When are we going to wake up to the Facts that are blatantly staring at us in our Faces?
Nose - Most of us are breathing in Polluted Air, with inadequate Oxygen.
Mouth - Most of us are drinking Polluted Water, with tiny micro-plastic pieces in it.
Mouth – Most of us are Eating Polluted Food that also has tiny micro-plastic pieces in it.
Face – Many of us are using untested and harmful ingredients on our Face that are not only Contaminating our Skin, but also the production of the ingredients is contaminating our Environment.
Head – Many of us are using untested and harmful ingredients on our Head that are not only Contaminating our Hair or Scalp, but also the production of the ingredients is contaminating our Environment.
Ear - Most of us are hearing about the Environmental Mess that our Planet is in.
But, what are we doing about it??? - Answer - NOTHING
Polluted Air - Solutions
Live in an area that has Low or Zero harmful Emissions.
Live in an area that has a High concentration of Plant life and Trees.
Work in an area that has Low or Zero harmful Emissions.
Spend much time in an area that has a High concentration of Plant life and Trees or Create such an Environment for yourself.
Polluted Water - Solutions
We know of NO appropriate Solution to this problem!!?? It is already TOO Late !?
Polluted Food - Solutions
Research thoroughly all Food Sourcing and Packaging Information.
Contaminating our Skin – Solutions
Ask yourself whether you can justify the ‘use’ coupled with the possible benefits in using the products. Research thoroughly all Product Sourcing and Packaging Information.
Contaminating our Hair or Scalp – Solutions
Ask yourself whether you can justify the ‘use’ coupled with the possible benefits in using the products. Research thoroughly all Product Sourcing and Packaging Information.
Environmental Mess – Solutions
Please thoroughly Research Google or Websites and appropriate Social Media to uncover the True and Frightening Facts that we should all know!
Is the cost of ‘Vanity’ worth the damage to our Bodies and in turn, the devastating damage to the Environment that we live in?
Being Aware of the fragility of ‘Our Fragile Planet’ is one thing, but having the ‘guts’ to stand up and be counted and spread Awareness to others and above all, to Live life appropriately and for us all to work together to reverse what is possible to reverse!!
Honesty is mandatory. Do you want to leave our horrendous, abused and neglected planet to future generations and is there any guarantee that they will ‘Sort It’?
Is it fair to Gamble on them having to ‘Bail us Out’?
How will Life be when every breath that we take is very painful and we are gasping for ‘Oxygen’, or when there is even more Water and Food Pollution? Will there be enough Hospitals and Morgues to cope with the reality of future Pollution?
Will all Wildlife species, including our own, become Extinct?